Enjoy real-time payments with credit card processing
Instantly process credit card payments directly from your dashboard wherever you are. No extra charges or hidden fees! Choose to have payments deposited directly into your bank or PayPal account – even if you currently don’t have a merchant account.
Accept any type of credit card, 100% secure.
Easily receive payments online, over the phone, via email or in-person.
Charge or refund clients directly from your desktop or mobile.
Save clients’ credit card details on file for future use.
Run your collection on auto-pilot
Have your payment requests and invoices sent automatically at the end of every billing period, so you spend less time chasing payments and get paid in full and on time.

Create upsell and cross-sell opportunities
Create service bundles to turn one-off purchases into returning clients. Give your clients an easy way to pay for multiple services and products, and receive credits they can use over time.

Know where your money is at all times
With an insightful dashboard that breaks down all your incoming revenue, you’ll know exactly what’s coming and when. Analyze your business’s performance to identify trends and discover new opportunities.

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